Bioflex Black Labret Monroe Retainer W/ Push Fit 2mm Gem Top


Colour/ Size

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SKU: SKU-862 Categories: ,


Description: Black Bioflex labret/ Monroe with a tiny Press Fit gem top,
Ideal for Initial 14GA Labret Piercings.
Sizes/ Colours :
14GA(1.6mm), 10mm bar, 2mm gem top- PINK
14GA(1.6mm), 12mm bar, 2mm gem top- PINK | AQUA | FUCHIA | CLEAR

  • Can be trimmed
  • Approved faster healing time than any other material including 316LVM and Solid Titanium
  • BioFlex is flexible, will move with your body
  • Provides a safer dental option, less abrasion on teeth enamel and gums
  • Perfect for multiple lobe or ear/ cartilage piercings, allows for flexibility, hence
    comfort during sleep, sports
  • A must have for X-Rays and hospital visits
  • Retainer/ Non-Autoclavable


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Colour/ Size

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Discounted shipping for orders over $50