
Implant Titanium Threadless Push In Convex Moon Base Labret Pin


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Description: This threadless pin labret features a convex Crescent Moon shaped base, the labrets are crafted from Implant-Grade TITANIUM 6AL-4V-ELI ASTM F-136. Tested for utmost safety and ease of use in professional body piercing applications.
All our Titanium Threadless bases and push-in pin tops (sold as singles) are compatible, allowing you to design your own unique jewellery.
Add your top and the Moon base Labret will be stunning when viewed from all angles.
Your base can also be converted to a barbell by simply wearing the Moon at the front and adding a ball pin top to the back.s
Pin tops are convenient to use with the bonus of no winding loose or thread wear. You can also leave your base in place and swap your pin tops as needed, a great option for new piercings where less handling is preferred.
Tip: Place the Pin tip in base and bend slightly, this bend will hold the top securely in place. The more the bend the firmer to remove, to help loosen twist the top.

  • Style: Threadless Flat back labret pins
  • Shape: Crescent Moon | Convex (rounded moon)
  • Colours: Titanium | Gold Titanium
  • Guage/Bar Thickness:  20G(0.8mm) | 18G(1mm) | 16G(1.2mm)
  •  Bar Length: 6mm | 7mm | 8mm
  • Base: 4mm
  • Material:  TITANIUM 6AL-4V-ELI ASTM F-136 implant grade
  • Amount: Single

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